Sunday, March 25, 2012

Temple Day Three

Today we explored the lesser known but just as impressive Roulus temples and ruins. I especially liked Bakong Temple where a modern day monastery exists today.

The temples are amazing but there is a frustrating side to it too. There are sooo many kids and even adults outside of the temples begging, singing or trying to sell you 'something lady, you want something?' We were polite or tried to talk to the kids when we weren't being completely bombarded but it wears you down! And it's hard to he annoyed at them when really it's the whole poor society that has the larger problem (which many NGOs are working on as I've seen).

Then it was poolside to help combat the 95+ degree heat. Except that I didn't realize just how photosensitive my skin would be on doxy and managed to get a bumpy heat rash after only 15 minutes in the sun. Since it's Erika's last day of active duty (and thus a paycheck), we celebrated with a wonderful Italian dinner complete with wine and chocolate mousse. We finally wore the new dresses we had tailored specifically for us in Hoi An as well. Cheers to your service and the next step in the journey of life!

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