Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flight of the Gibbons

So the bumpy 14 hour overnight bus ride wasn't that bad actually (thank you Ambien) as I had a whole seat to myself. Our other option was a 2 day slow boat up the Mekong which was a little pricier and we had heard its crowded, uncomfortable and not as scenic as you'd expect although a small part of me still wanted to since the river is so special to this area. Upon arrival, we booked our two day, one night Gibbon Experience. Since we couldn't get ahold of them to reserve the three day and cuz we did want to get to Chiang Mai for St. Pattys, we stuck with the two day option. The Gibbon Experience is a very successful eco-tourism project as its kept illegal logging and gibbon poaching from wiping out the area as it had previously been heading that dismal direction. The experience was highly recommended by friends who have travelled here before and I'm excited to be zip lining through the trees and sleeping in a treehouse!
After a relaxing afternoon, we re-packed what we would need (gloves, headlamps and bug spray were essential we have been told) and rested up for our big adventure!

More to come after this adventure!

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