Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meet Vi

Vi, as I've mentioned, is my Vietnamese sidekick/translator who is from Ho Chi Mihn City but comes to Dalat with volunteers to help translate in the clinic as well as orient us to the city. Sometimes people come in groups and sometimes solo. I'm the only one here now and so it's easier on her. She knows most medical terms in English which is helpful. She's 22 and went to University in HcMc and she hopes to work as a tour guide or at a fancy hotel in the future. It's been nice to hear all about Vietnamese customs. For example, at lunch today she was telling me about traditional wedding customs which seem similar to American weddings (big parties) except the outfits and long ceremony are different.

It's been fun to work with Vi as well as to know that my 'voluntourism' isn't hindering it actually helping employ people in this struggling country.

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