Thursday, May 10, 2012


On the 9th, we picked up our car Mi Sou at the airport and hit the road! Our first stop was Toledo, an old walled city that was very beautiful!

Erika's awesome Backroads in Spain book led us to tons of cool off-road sites only accessible if you have your own car and one was the town that inspired Don Quixote and this bullring, one of Spain's oldest, dating from 1645.

Castles, churches and scenic plazas made for a great stop en route to our B&B outside Seville. Our British host Elaine was awesome! We had an amazing three course meal (with vino) waiting for us as we sat outside by the pool, winding down from the day. Then we spent the next day touring the amazing city of Seville. We toured the Cathedral, saw Christopher Columbus' tomb and climbed 91 meters for beautiful views over all of Seville.

These Spanish accordion players and plentiful and good. You better get practicing Pops if you ever wanna compete with their skills!

A tapas lunch and a stop by the old prison where Cervantes penned Don Quixote and then the heat was getting too much (over 100F!) so we returned to lounge poolside before another amazing dinner with Elaine.

Though we probably could've stayed here eating her amazing food for a few more days, we were off on the next leg!

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