Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lisboa: Sangria and sun!

We arrived via train to check in to our hostel, meet Noreen and start exploring! Lisbon (Lisboa to the locals) is a beautiful city that's very hilly (like San Francisco, even has a bridge and trams like SF) but easy to get around walking or via bus.

We found a few sangria stops and finally ventured to a dinner place where Fado, the local type of singing, was our wonderful dinner entertainment. It's very sad supposedly but sounds nice!

On our second day, we all went running separately but after an hour, Erika still hadn't returned so we were starting to get worried. Turns out, the hills can be even pretty disorienting and she got quite the grand Lisbon workout trying to find the hostel again. Then we ventured to Belem to check out the old monastery, the monument in tribute to all the great explorers who left this very port to explore the world and the Belem Tower.

Since it was Cinco de Mayo, we were craving Mexican food! However, a wrong bus, lots of walking hills and a closed Mexican restaurant (the only in Lisbon) forced us to finally, three hours later, end up sitting at the Hard Rock Lisbon drinking margaritas and munching on nachos!

Next up: hostel pub crawl.

Needless to say, we had a good time even though we called it an early night (to Spainards at least) by coming home at 5:30 AM. On to Spain!

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