Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Amore in Madrid

Well not really as we didn't find love in Madrid but I did fall in love with this beautiful capital! An easy flight later, my incredibly hungover self arrived in Madrid in time to find a doner stand (works to combat hangovers in Germany!) and a movie theatre (American Pie reunion-funny). Next day, we started with an excellent walking tour of the downtown plazas, churches and Royal Palace.

This restaurant serves dogs too! And featured Blu!

Meat is big on menus here so we sampled some local delicacies. Would be much harder to go veggie here than Asia. In the traditional Spanish way, we siesta'd for a few hours before scoping out an amazing flamenco show! Sangria and some amazingly passionate dancing: fantastico!

On our second day, we toured the famous bullfighting ring to learn more about this controversial part of Spain's rich history. I personally am not a fan of the concept of killing animals for pure sport but the Spainards (except in Barcelona where its recently banned) love this 400 year old tradition.

Noreen ran with the bulls and witnessed fights in Pamplona two years ago so I appreciated her take on things but still not sure I'd be up for one! Excellent last city day before our road trip!!!

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